Activation Message

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This website is new and I do want to know if you have

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I will be happy to include also members that can edit and modify


I also see many possible exchange of data and simulation templates

that can be shared using this site as a base.

Let me know and I can upgrade your account settings


Per-Erik Jansson

One thought on “Activation Message

  1. Hello Per-Erik Jansson,

    I am a M.Sc. Student. My specialization is Hydro-geology. I am working on infiltration of water into partial frozen ground of Canada in my M.Sc. thesis.

    I intend to develop a standardized dataset that can be used for parametrization of different hydrological models in the same way. Coupmodel is one of those models that I have selected for my thesis.

    I came to know about Coupmodel and want to know more in details about this coupling model. I found most of the soil-water models consider freezing and thawing of soils based on degree day approach. Is it same with Coupmodel?

    In Coupmodel, is there any option or method that can address the freezing and thawing of soils? This is what actually I am looking for in a physical based model.

    Unfortunately there is no one in my research group who has experience on Coupmodel. I am having some difficulties to build my model on Coupmodel. I found different website and versions of Coupmodel in the internet. It makes me confused which one is authentic and reliable.

    As a developer of Coupmodel, I belive you can assist me to build my model. A little bit of favour will boost up my modelling speed. I am done with my experiments and now I want to vuild the model on Coupmodel simulate soil water at partial frozen soil. Can you please help me by providing similar kind of studies and giving me some direction to build the model? It’s a small yet very important model for the simulation of water in partial frozen ground.

    I am looking forward to your response.

    Thanks for your time and consideration.


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