Density of snow

Snow density, ρsnow, is a weighted average of the old snow pack (i.e. the density of snow remaining from the previous day ρold) and precipitation density, ρprec:



where ∆z indicates depth and the indices represent old snow pack, precipitation and updated snow pack.

The model has two options to calculate the density of new-fallen snow as a function of air temperature, Ta, which is determined by the switch NewSnowDensity.

Linear model:


where ρsmin is the density of new snow, Qp is the thermal quality of precipitation and fliqmax is a parameter that defines the maximum liquid water content of falling snow that is automatically put to 0.5.

Exponential model:



See viewing function Density of New Snow Function.

Depth of precipitation, Δzprec, is then automatically given as:



The densification of the snow pack can be estimated in two optional ways in the model, which is determined by the switch SnowDensification:

(I). Densification as a function of ice and liquid water content

Density of the old snow pack increases with the relative amount of free water in the pack and with overburden pressure, i.e., with increasing water equivalent. Density also generally increases with age. The age dependency is accounted for by updating density as the maximum density of the previous time step:



where sdl­ and sdw are parameters, Swlmax is the retention capacity and Sres is the water equivalent of the snow. Depth of old pack is given by definition as:



(II). Densification as a function of compaction rate

Three processes are considered to generate snow layer compaction, following the algorithm of Jordan (1991): (a) destructive metamorphism, (b) overburden pressure, and (c) snow melt:


where CR is the compaction rate (day-1). The compaction rate and the snow depth from the previous time step give the depth of the old snow:


and the snow density of the old snow pack is then calculated as:



where Sres is the water equivalent of the snow.

Compaction due to metamorphism is described as a function of snow temperature, Tsnow (oC), bulk density of ice, γice (kg m-3), and bulk density of liquid water, γliq (kg m-3):


where bulk density of ice, γice, and liquid water, γliq, is the density of the ice and liquid water in the snow pack respectively i.e. the total amount of ice and water in the snow pack divided by the height of the snow, and:





with the parameters cmmt1, cmmt2, cmmd and cmml, and a threshold density, γlim, taken as the minimum of parameter γlim,max, and the bulk density of ice in new snow, γice,new.

Compaction due to overburden is calculated as follows:



where Ps is pressure of the overlaying snow integrated over the snow pack (thus equal to the mass of the snow pack), η0 is a parameter representing viscosity at 0°C and ρsnow=0, and cot and cod are parameters representing the temperature and density influence on the compaction rate.

Finally, compaction due to snow melt is given as:



where qmelt (mm) corresponds to the snow water equivalent melted during the previous time step. However, compaction due to snowmelt is neglected if the snow density is above a threshold limit, ccmco, with default value 300 kg m-3.