
Denitrification can optionally be simulated (see switch Denitrification). In the simplified approach, the denitrification i.e. the conversion of soluble nitrate in the soil to gaseous nitrogen leaving the soil, NNO3Denit, is calculated as:


where dpot is a parameter and f(T), f(θ) and f(NNO3Cons) are response functions for soil temperature, soil moisture and nitrate concentration in the soil. A coefficient, ddist(Δz), adjusts the potential denitrification rate for each soil layer. The variation of ddist(Δz) with depth is determined by the switch Denit depth distribution Either the denitrification rate can be given as a table (“Table”), it can be distributed evenly in the soil profile (“Constant”), it can decrease linearly from the top layer (“Linear”) or finally it can decrease exponentially from the top layer (“Exponential”). The parameters used in these calculations are dz and dexp.

The switch Denit temp response determines the temperature response, f(T), described in the section Common abiotic functions.

The soil moisture response function, f(θ), looks different depending soil moisture content:

1.  θ  = θs

2.  θs - θ  < pθDp



3.  θs - θ  > pθDp


where pθDRange and pθDp are parameters and the variables, θs and θ, are the soil moisture content at saturation and the actual soil moisture content respectively, described in the section “Soil Water Processes.

The response function for nitrate concentration in the soil, f(NNO3Cons), is calculated as:


where dNhalfsat is a parameter. See viewing function Denitrification Nitrate Response.

If denitrifying microbes are calculated explicitly the denitrification rate is a function of the amount of denitrifying microbials, NmicrDN, and their activity, Mactivity. The whole denitrification process consists of a chain of reactions where nitrogen in the form of nitrate is converted by microbial activity into nitrous gases. In this section processes concerning nitrogen in the forms of NO3, NO2, NO, N2O and N2 formed under anaerobic conditions are described. The following section, Gas , deals with the diffusion of the nitrous gases NO, N2O and N2 from the anaerobic fractions of the soil to the aerobic fractions and subsequently the transport through the soil profile into the atmosphere. The amount of nitrogen as nitrate (NO2) and nitrous gases is not included in the overall nitrogen balance of the soil profile due to the low concentrations in these pools. A schematic image of nitrogen in the different anaerobic nitrogen pools, i.e. NNO3, NAnNO2, NAnNO, NAnN2O and NAnN2, and the fluxes between these pools is given in Figure 5.0.3.


Figure 5.0.3. Denitrification chain when microbes are simulated explicitly.

The concentrations of anaerobic NO3, NO2, NO and N2O are used in several calculations. For NO3 the concentration, NNO3Conc, is calculated by dividing the amount of nitrate, NNO3, by the soil water content for each layer. In the other cases the concentration is calculated by:



where θ(z) is the soil water content and fAnvol is the volumetric anaerobic fraction of each soil layer. This equation is used to calculate NAnNOConc and NAnN2OConc by exchanging NAnNO2 to NAnNO and NAnN2O respectively.

Denitrifying microbes consume nitrogen from all anaerobic nitrogen pools except for N2. This consumption results in growth and respiration of the microbes, i.e. out flux of nitrogen from the anaerobic nitrogen pools. The losses of nitrogen from the anaerobic nitrogen pools due to microbial growth is calculated as:


where dgrowthNO3 is a growth parameter and f(CDO,dnCons) and f(NNxOyConc) are response functions for dissolved organics and nitrogen concentration respectively. This equation can be used analogously to calculate NNO2→micrDN, NNO→micrDN and NN2O→micrDN by exchanging dgrowthNO3 to dgrowthNO2, dgrowthNO and dgrowthN2O. For NN2O→micrDN eq. (6.41) is further modified by multiplying the equation with an inhibition response function for the nitrate content, f(NNO3Concinhib), calculated as:




where dinhihrate is the denitrification inhibition half rate.

The response function for dissolved organics concentration, f(CDO,dnCons), is calculated as:




where dhrateDOC is the half rate for dissolved organic carbon and θ is the soil moisture content.

The response function for nitrogen concentration is calculated as:




where dhrateNxOy is the half rate for nitrogen concentration. NNxOyConc is the nitrogen concentration, NAnNO3Conc, NAnNO2Conc, NAnNOConc or NAnN2OConc for NNO3→micrDN, NNO2→micrDN, NNO→micrDN and NN2O→micrDN respectively.

Each of the nitrogen pools looses nitrogen through microbial maintenance and growth respiration. The respiration loss in one pool will form an input to the next nitrogen pool in the denitrification chain, i.e. the production of N2, N2O, NO or NO2 (see Figure 5.0.3). These fluxes are calculated as:




where the index rg stands for growth respiration and rm stands for maintenance respiration. Note that the fluxes are either limited by the rate as estimated from the microbial activity or from the amount of gas available in the anaerobic storage.

The total denitrification rate is the sum of the production of N2, N2O and NO, i.e.:


The growth respiration for N2O, NO, NO2 and NO3 is calculated as:


where deffNO3 is an efficiency parameter. The same equation is used to calculate growth respiration for N2O, NO and NO2 by exchanging NNO3→micrDN to NAnNO2→micrDN, NAnNO→micrDN and NAnN2O→micrDN, and deffNO3 to deffNO2, deffNO and deffN2O respectively.

The maintenance respiration for N2O, NO, NO2 and NO3 is calculated as:




where drcNO3 is a respiration coefficient and NAnTot is the total nitrogen content in the N2O, NO, NO2 and NO3 pools. The same equation is used to calculate growth respiration for N2O, NO and NO2 by exchanging NNO3 to NAnN2O, NAnNO and NAnNO2 and drcNO3 to drcN2O, drcNO and drcNO2 respectively.

The total biomass of the denitrifiers, NmicrDN, is dependent of their growth and their death rates.




Microbial growth, Mgrowth,DN, is the sum of all the flows from the anaerobic nitrogen pools to the microbial pool as calculated by eq. (6.41). The death rate, Mdeath,DN is calculated as:


where ddenitrdie is the death rate coefficient.

Microbial activity, Mactivity, is calculated as:


where dactratecoef is the activity rate coefficient, and f(pH) and f(NAnTot) are response functions for soil pH and total nitrogen content in the anaerobic nitrogen pools respectively. The switch Denit temp response determines the temperature response, f(T), described in the section Common abiotic functions.

The response function for soil pH is calculated as:




where dpHhrate is the pH half rate and dpHshape is a shape coefficient. See viewing function Denitrification pH Response.

The response function for total nitrogen content in the anaerobic nitrogen pools is calculated as:




where dhrateNxOy is a half rate coefficient.