08-09-16 Correction – bug in Radiation interception and update of new model from 08-09-03

Bug in call to random number generator deleted eventually causing errors in radiation interception

New view function for the split of diffuse and direct radiation using a new parameter DiffuseRadCoef. Also new function connected to the CanopyChadeCoef and ViewScalingMax parameters to demonstrate the shading and viewing of canopy.  The PlantDiameter parameter as introduced from 08-09-03 is replaced by a common parameter DiameterHeightRatio representing the ratio between the Canopy Height and the Canopy Diameter. The Canopy Height may be specified either as a simulated variable or  given from a parameter table.

The Covariance and statistic of Bayesian calibration parameter results was reintroduced after being left out by mistake introduced 08-08-12.

Various minor update of code.