05-08-11 Road Salt model

Developed connection to Road model.

The input from the output from road in terms of salt emission, snow export or surface runoff are made as possible input to a road side simulation.


SaltRoadStorage switch will be on except for road side simulation when the switch will be off and instead the switch SaltDeposition can be either from parameter or from a PG-file. The variables have the defined in a pg driving variable file Salt Road Deposition. When the application is causing deposition in the road side environment (From Road) 3 variables are expected with naming as give by the output variables: Salt AirEmission, Salt PloughEmission and

Salt RunoffEmission.


The Salt emission that will be recalulated to depositions are defined by the SaltRoadApplication switch. When the application is on road the deposition should be specified as mg/m2 by one single and unique variable which does not require any specific naming in the file. The Emission rates as simulated by an On Road simulation will be converted from emission rate by road surface to deposition rates by soil surface by scaling coefficients: FracAirEmission, FractPloughEmission and FracRunOffEmission for the respectively origin of the salt.


The Snow export and the surface runoff variable will be located in the Lateral Input File which has been renamed from Lateral Ground Water Input to Lateral Water Input. This file may include Snow Mass Export, surface Runoff and Groundwater inflow. The use is made flexible by the switches: SnowPloughInput, RunOnInput and Lateral  GW Source which are defined in respectively modules for Snow, Surface Water and GroundWater and Drainage.  The variables are all identified by the name of the corresponding output variables from an ordinary CoupModel simulation.
